I've been busy with work and working out, and life in general. My raining has been going great and I've reached 200lbs Bodyweight, and according to the 7 point fold method (a way to measure body fat), and using the caliper I got from bodybuilding.com, I'm at a BF % of 4.3. I can right away admit that it's not 100% accurate for several reasons, and the main reason being that this method does not measure your bicep, calf, or lower back, which my coach Gregg always include when he does the measyrements, and I know for a fact that my back, and lower back in particular, holds in to most if my fat.. So had that been included it would be higher... It is however just a guideline for me at this point and it tells me that the points that were measured still are lean, which is great.
I keep getting stronger and I feel confident for my next show. A lot of improvement already, and I'm feeling strong and motivated to break through all barriers that I will face.
I have been fighting a personal dilemma ever since I did the show. Since I took 2nd place and qualified for Nationals, I feel that I am at a level where sponsors should/would be interested. I've spent hours, daily.. Emailing, calling, just trying to get in direct contact with a person in charge of those decisions, with no success.. Only a few brands have even taken their time to answer.. And it's discouraging. And disappointing. And it made me realize that I've been chasing and trying to be something and someone I'm not. What I do, I do for me and the people that WANT to support me. My personality isn't the type that need approval by anyone. I do what I do because I want to. If anyone has a problem with that it doesn't matter to me. I have no desire to chase people and convince them of "how great I am" or whatever. I have always let my hard work speak for itself. I don't beg, I don't NEED any help (although it would be very appreciated), but I've made it this far with what I have, and trust me I got all I need to make it all the way. I'm just getting started and I don't forget easily. I remember who was there from the start and when it was needed. One day these brands who don't even give me the time if day will try to contact ME. And guess what, they'll have to show up at 800 park avenue west Mifflin, beg ME to accept their offer. Just wait and see.
But until then, we got a lot of work to do.
Once again, I thank all if you for your support. I know who you are and I don't forget! I truly do appreciate it.
Until next time, keep pushing!
Conny "Swede" Molander
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